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The Guru Guide to Feng Shui


Feng Shui is the art of living in harmony with space and bringing maximum benefit, peace and prosperity to your home or workplace. Here is a guide to discover the disharmonies that exist in your home, office and even in your garden, and eliminate the negative influences. Use this manual to correct the elements that can cause some kind of imbalance in your home. Do you see from your window annoying objects such as poles, antennas, etc.? Do you stand with your back to the door while cooking? Is the refrigerator in front of the stove? What do the mirrors reflect? Where does the headboard of your bed rest? Where is the bathroom located?... 


Find out the most favorable orientation of your home's floor plan. And... watch out for intersecting rooms! An illustrated guide with numerous photographs and illustrations that clarify any situation and offer a multitude of solutions that you can put into practice. A millenary wisdom that begins in the Taoist philosophy and that, with the analysis of the relationships with the space in which we move, gives us the keys to harmonize every aspect of our family life, work, and so on.